Marijuana Money, a Budding Industry



By Cheri Roberts

Going for the Ganj means more these days than packing a bowl and lighting up. With the puff, puff, pass of legislature, legalization is slowly, but surely rolling out across the country. All eyes are currently on states like Washington and Colorado whose recreational marijuana laws went into full-effect this year and on states like Oregon and Alaska, as well as Washington, D.C. all three of which will be voting on legalizing recreational in today’s elections. Florida is also voting on a marijuana bill, their measure is for medical marijuana.



Colorado cannabis revenue numbers show that recreational purchases have already surpassed those of medical purchases with a steady growth month to month.


Pot is the new gold rush in America with millions of dollars in legal sales, investors are spending millions more to be next in line to flourish and by all accounts they will be set for a great return on their investment (ROI). From traditional grass [of countless strains] and edibles to waxes and oils, cannabis is finally having its day. What’s more is the negative stigma of smoking a joint is also slowly going by the way-side and becoming a much more acceptable activity to more and more people who before only looked at weed as scary drug.


Our bodies are actually designed to receive the cannibinoids (CBD) found in cannabis, unlike any other substance in the world because our brains have cannibinoid receptors. The more science delves into the healing potential of marijuana the closer we will be to curing more disease and lessening the side-effects of man-made chemicals we currently call “medicine”. With advances in medical marijuana science and the push from  CNN’s recently redeemed Chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, more people are looking to this amazing flower to cure or aid things like cancer, epilepsy and more.

Canadian in exile, Rick Simpson, is a leading advocate for cannabis cures using the CBD oil he calls, “Phoenix Tears”, also known as Rick Simpson Oil or RSO. Simpson has been fighting the fight and helping people cure themselves for years at his own peril and expense. Some patients that his oil has cured were in end-stage cancers. Of course the Canadian authorities have been none to pleased, raiding Simpson’s home multiple times which is what caused him to remain in Europe, safe from charges and prison as he stubbornly perseveres.

But weed isn’t just about curing physical ailments, there is still the pleasure principal for those who simply want to roll a doob and get high. This is where the money is at, unless you are Monsanto and big PhRMA who are both scrambling to create Frankenstein versions of their own to market to an uneducated public. In 2011 Monsanto quietly partnered with Marlboro — the cigarette manufacturer, and together they plan to launch their mutated marijuana GMO strain called M80 on shelves as early as January, 2015.

According to a spokesperson for Monsanto is quoted as saying,

We are simply combining desirable genes which are already present in certain cannabis plants, to make a super plant.”

While many people play a part in passing legislation that will benefit them or someone they know, not everyone will profit from their efforts. Sadly, entities like Monsanto and Marlboro will reap the ultimate rewards, but real pot connoisseurs won’t be buying adulterated stash from the likes of these marijuana molesters, which means there is a market opportunity…for you!


It takes money to make money and sadly most “activists” are broke in this economy and unable to take advantage of their years of hard work. How can the average person with pipe-dreams and an ethical conscience get a piece of the pot-pie? This is where investors, support and a knowledgeable base comes in.

Next week, Las Vegas, Nevada’s Rio Suites will be the setting of the 3rd annual Marijuana Business Conference & Expo which boasts to be the largest event of its kind in the United States. Hosted by Marijuana Business Daily, the event is a 3-day extravaganza with more than 60 scheduled speakers including keynote speaker, Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream fame. With back to back activities and workshops the 3-days is jam-packed with information to help you begin your budding business the right way. If you attend, and you should if this industry interests you, be prepared with a plan as there will be an opportunity to pitch your plan to willing and able investors who will be on-site.


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