The Host of CTR



cheri-roberts-challenging-the-rhetoricCHERI ROBERTS – Owner, Talk Show Host, Editor in Chief, Writer, Producer, Webmaster – CTR

Cheri Roberts is a much endorsed writer, investigative journalist, coach and marketing maven who has worked in media for more than 20-years. From the talent side to the tech side to the business side — and everything in between, she paid her dues and walked  away with a helluva skill-set to unleash on all of you.

Cheri is the owner of Cheri Speak Media, Boot Camps for Bloggers, Back to Bartering and the popular blog Cheri Speak. She is also a long-standing member of the National Writers Union (NWU).

As a freelance writer and prominent activist, Cheri lives her life “out-loud” challenging the system with her back turned against the status quo of the failed corporate media. There is no compromising TRUTH and Cheri bears that responsibility with grave seriousness. Believing that “benchmarks” are not something to strive for, but instead are something to surpass she realizes “normal” is not an option. Only exceptional will work.


CTR Business Details: “Challenging the Rhetoric” is a legal registered, “Assumed Business Name” or ABN owned by Cheri Roberts. There are zero employees at CTR. All contributions are voluntary.

9 responses to “The Host of CTR

  1. Pingback: PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS: Start Walking the Walk, Not Just Talking the Talk | Challenging the Rhetoric·

  2. Pingback: Are You Ready for Some Happy Days? | Cheri Speak·

  3. Incredible a source for truth in American media, I did not think existed with the quasi serious Motherjones and Salon selling out their corporate soul a long time ago. They started as part of the solution and ended up being part of the problem. Let us hope Cheri can be the difference and change we need.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: WEDS. SEPT. 16 PODCAST: How Bad Cops are Costing America, It’s More Than Money | Challenging the Rhetoric·

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  6. Pingback: Will Hillary Clinton be indicted? Did David Patraeus get a free-pass? Are Whistleblowers a bad thing? | Challenging the Rhetoric·

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